The first thing you need to know about currency is that it is not possible to receive student currency before enrolling in university, and you must go through all these steps after enrolling in university.
Receive a certificate of employment and transcripts of the semesters before the registration unit (if you are a first semester student, you do not need transcripts)
Receive a tuition payment certificate from the University Finance
Registration in the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Tak system) at
Upload study sheets, transcripts and tuition certificates and receive a separate tracking code for each degree and write the tracking code on the back of the sheets.
Visit the Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Cyprus and receive the stamp of approval of the forms uploaded on the Tak website (by the Iranian Consulate)
For pharmaceutical students: Register on the Ministry of Health Foreign Exchange Facilities website at:
And for students of other fields, register in Nasha and Sajjad student participation system at the address:
Receive foreign exchange letter from the Ministry of Health (for pharmacy) / Receive foreign exchange letter from the Ministry of Science (other fields)
Receive government currency from one of the banks introduced by the Ministry of Health / Ministry of Science